Enchanted Forest

Think 'enchanted', 'ambient', 'forest', 'nature', 'chilled', 'magical', 'mysterious', 'mellow' tracks

Inspired by river walks in Cornwall and Essex between the time of Imbolc and the Vernal Equinox, this emotive piece of music combines sound design of underwater recordings, the stroking of pussy willow, percussive sparse beats of gnarly branches, mallets played like bones and ancient otherwordly undertones of a faraway female voice. (Non linguistic).  

Nature and technology combined, ethereal, mysterious and something olde-worlde fantasy vs enchantingly futuristic about this track.  Sound design elements reflect rain, stone, earth, crunchy leafs and other textural organic sonic gems, which meet the odd glitch.  Etherial female background vocals call out in the distance adding a human, primal feel. >>>

<<< Created purely from binaural field recordings deep amongst the thickness of the bare branches in the December woodland, this experimental track pays homage to 'the longest night' of the year - The Winter Solstice. Think bewitched woods, an enchanted forest, mysterious meanderings in deepest darkness nature.  The Goddess of Hecate dashes and whooshes between the trees accompanied by her dogs, whispering spells and doing sorcery.

Created entirely out of organic field recordings in the woods in January 2020, this experimental, sound design track, takes the listener on a sonic journey through a forest at the start of the year. Overground, the earth appears to be sleeping, but if you listen carefully you’ll hear life beginning again from beneath >>>